Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

Tugas Kewirausahaan 2 : Creativity and Innovation
Name : Mustika Raudhatul Jannah
Class  :2SA03
NPM  :17614651

My first business priority is Salon and Cafe, i thinl to make an innovation i will merge both kind of store, i think it will be best innovation and much people will come to this place 


 how about if this salon merge with  this cafe

if this store we merged it will be amazing cause if a man or woman get boring to wait the turn they can buy a coffee and cake in the cafe and vice versa if girls want to go out to the cafe and they want to make up they can move to another side (Salon). In Indonesia Cafe and Salon have different location and with this innovation can make people easier and save their money and time